Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Measurement, Online Advertising

Driving Digital Within Your Company in 2019 – Part I

The Show Stoppers On the jury of the XIV Digital Marketing Conclave of IAMAI, 2018, it was heartening to get a close-look at the `client’-side of things with a fresh perspective. Any digital marketer, worth his salt especially one with 2-3 decades in sales or marketing, knows that digital can today totally change the game […]

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Fish’s Day Out

Doing agency offsite workshops is fun.. and it’s not just about drinking, dancing and partying all night. We made it into an action-packed creative stimulii event involving each and every member of BC Web Wise, including our admin and HR so that across teams we had a buy-in on what we do, and we could […]

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Social Media

Is Niche Social Networking the next big thing?

“What is the next big thing?” When it comes to social media, the frequency at which this question is being asked is astonishingly high. Attribute it to technology, which had made it possible to churn out new concepts as easily as they are debunked, or consumer trends, which are far more volatile than they have […]

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