Category: Customer Experience

Chatbot, Consumer Experience, Customer Experience

Excessive use of ChatBots can lead to Customer Dissatisfaction!

In today’s business landscape, communication channels have expanded greatly, thanks to the rise of social media. Companies can now connect with their customers on a real-time basis and promote their products and services effectively. However, as the volume of customer inquiries and comments continues to increase, companies have started using automated chatbots to handle customer […]

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Attention, Attention economy, Customer Experience, Digital Marketing, Loyalty, Marketing, NFT, Tokens

Understanding the Attention Economy – And its implications for the Advertising Industry

What would be the most scarce resource in today’s information-rich world? If your answer is highly skilled talent (labour) or funding (capital), you would be far from the truth!  If Thomas H. Davenport and John C. Beck of the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change are to be believed, then attention is the most valuable and […]

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Customer Experience, Digital Agency, Website Design

All you need to know about Design Thinking, but were afraid to ask!

If you thought ‘Design Thinking’ only applied to graphic and web designers, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Some of the greatest innovations from the world of literature, art, music, science, engineering and business owe their origin to it. So, what exactly is Design Thinking? Design Thinking is a process for solving problems by […]

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