Category: Data Driven Strategies

Customer Experience, Data Driven Strategies, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, influencer marketing, influencer marketing agencies, Search Engine Optimization

Unlock Growth: 5 Core Digital Marketing Strategies Google Recommends

Unlock Growth: 5 Core Digital Marketing Strategies Google Recommends

Think of your business as a shop in some alley. It would, therefore, become pretty difficult for people to reach you if you were not online. Building and then improving that presence becomes very essential to the growth of any business in the digital world today. Google, a leader in the digital world, has outlined […]

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Data Driven Strategies, Data science, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, digital marketing influencers, Digital Trends in India, Future of Digital Marketing

The Value of Data-Driven Digital Marketing in 2023

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, data-driven marketing has become a crucial component of any successful marketing strategy. As we move into 2023, digital marketing agencies (especially in India) must prioritize their efforts on data-driven marketing to stay ahead of the competition. In this blog, we’ll explore what data-driven marketing is, its benefits, challenges, and trends […]

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Data Driven Strategies, Data science, Digital Trends in India, Future of Digital Marketing, Machine learning, Marketing, Marketing & Communications

Using AI in Predictive Analytics: A Marketer’s Guide

Using AI in Predictive Analytics A Marketer's Guide

Online astrology websites have been the first movers on using Predictive Analysis. They’ve been using data and data-base driven technologies, for eons, to generate your horoscope within seconds. And today with AI, it can happen in real time, with real time data.  By analyzing large amounts of data, AI can identify patterns and predict future […]

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