Category: Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing, digital marketing influencers, Future of Digital Marketing

How will the rise of Metaverse platforms transform Digital Marketing?

What do rapper Snoop Dogg, investment bank JP Morgan Chase, luxury brand Gucci and sportswear brand Nike have in common? These diverse brands are all convinced that the Metaverse will be the next big thing in digital and are building their presence across different metaverse platforms such as Decentraland, Sandbox, Roblox, etc. According to Cathy […]

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Digital Marketing, digital marketing influencers, Future of Digital Marketing, influencer marketing, influencer marketing platform, influencer marketing strategy, Internet Marketing, social media influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing In The Times of The Metaverse

As marketers, over the last couple of years, we’ve all either included an ‘Influencer Marketing’ component as part of our overall 360 marketing campaigns or watched, discussed or critiqued one done by other brands and agencies. Last year saw a new entity spawning itself and spreading like wildfire. If you’re wondering what I’m referring to, […]

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Digital Marketing, Future of Digital Marketing

Transcendence is a necessity

5 years ago if I wanted to start a business, I would have partnered with a major retail giant. They have outlets all over India, they have a loyal customer base and I knew the shelf space that I got would deliver the revenue that I wanted. Today, that shelf space will cost me more […]

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