Category: Digital Marketing

Attention, Attention economy, Customer Experience, Digital Marketing, Loyalty, Marketing, NFT, Tokens

Understanding the Attention Economy – And its implications for the Advertising Industry

What would be the most scarce resource in today’s information-rich world? If your answer is highly skilled talent (labour) or funding (capital), you would be far from the truth!  If Thomas H. Davenport and John C. Beck of the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change are to be believed, then attention is the most valuable and […]

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Digital Marketing, Digital Trends in India, Future of Digital Marketing, Marketing & Communications

The Ultimate Guide to Metaverse Marketing

While there are plenty of theories about the ‘Metaverse’ and how it will change the way we socialise, consume content and work / play on the internet, the one definition about the Metaverse, that made complete sense was by tech entrepreneur and Podcaster, Shaan Puri who says: If you think that’s profound, here’s what he […]

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Digital Marketing, Digital Trends in India

The Crypto-Mania

CryptoCurrency – Guess the hottest topic not only among investors but in popular culture too, thanks to everyone from long-standing investors like Elon Musk to that kid from your high school on Facebook.   In fact recently I was watching #T20WorldCup2021  on HotStar, and the crypto universe has taken over nearly all ad spots.  But when […]

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