Category: Google Search

Digital Marketing, Digital Trends in India, Future of Digital Marketing, Google Search, Search Engine Optimization

Should we lockdown our SEO as the world stays in lockdown?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a way for the SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) to go through your content by crawling the websites, indexing them and finally ranking them. Even though the world has gone into lockdown, our crawlers have not! They are still looking at your content – learning the keywords and search terms […]

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Google Search, Internet Marketing, Online Advertising, Search Engine Optimization

Is SEO Going The Way Of The Dodo Or Is It More Like The Phoenix?

If you are using the internet to search for information then you will probably use a search engine, such as Google or Yahoo. The beauty of a search engine is that you can be as specific or vague about the information you require and it will give you results. As a user this is very […]

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bcwebwise, Brand building, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Google Search, Lead Generation, Measurement, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Website

How to Measure ROI of Internet Marketing

How do you measure Return on Investment (ROI) of Internet Marketing? The web lends itself to be measured. After all every impression of a graphic being measurable, the path from which your visitor landed on your web page being traceable, the pages viewed, the likes and comments, the viral effect everything lending itself to being […]

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