Category: Internet Marketing

Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Measurement, Online Advertising

Driving Digital Within Your Company in 2019 – Part I

The Show Stoppers On the jury of the XIV Digital Marketing Conclave of IAMAI, 2018, it was heartening to get a close-look at the `client’-side of things with a fresh perspective. Any digital marketer, worth his salt especially one with 2-3 decades in sales or marketing, knows that digital can today totally change the game […]

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Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Search Engine Optimization, Website

5 Ordinary Link Building Strategies that Leave Your Site Exposed

Link building continues to be one of the most important SEO strategies you can implement. This has been the case since Google took over from Altavista as top search engine. It will continue to be important in the future. Why? Links are an incontrovertible way for the search engines to check the veracity of your […]

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Digital Trends in India, Facebook, Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Social Media, Twitter

Micro Targeting Using Paid and Owned Media

A much more specific form of market segmentation is possible today, as opposed to the generic profiling of consumers that erstwhile marketers used to conduct. This provides impetus to micro targeting- personalized marketing tactics relevant for a small, well-defined group, in contrast to large-scale campaigns for broad segments. The need for narrower segmenting, and coming […]

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