Category: Online Advertising

Brand building, Digital Agency, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising

How To Make Digital Deliver Business ROI

Digital Marketing Brief

Leveraging Agency Relationships To Meet Your Business Goals. Will start by sharing a recent experience that is common place and you may resonate with. I was talking to a brand team about the experiences that are important while defining the digital strategy. Brand manager ‘I know it, it’s one of the important aspects our organization […]

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Consumer Experience, Customer Experience, Ecommerce, Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Online Reputation Management, ORM, Responsive Design, Website Design

5 simple reasons not to hurry to on-board low cost digital agencies

Being in a turbulent and testing financial time period, where the Digital Agencies mushrooming all over everyday, one will find themselves at their wits end to make a choice of which agency to onboard. Due to the recent budget cut-down across departments, the digital budget also takes a beating. This makes it a very tempting […]

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Brand building, Digital Trends in India, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Social Media, video production

Why Video marketing is in and how it drives maximum conversions

Trending Now: Video Marketing On LinkedIn Video Marketing, not the first time you are hearing this and believe you me you are going to be hearing and seeing this happen all around you, growing by the day. You might still be someone who hasn’t started yet and wondering does it really work? Are you the […]

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