Category: Social Media

Marketing & Communications, Social Media, User Generated Content

New Trends In Social: Signal, Telegram, Spaces, Discord, ClubHouse

Can you imagine a day without social media? Imagine waking up in the morning and not checking your social feeds or having a great time with friends and not sharing it on social media. To paraphrase a much abused quote from the middle-ages, if you didn’t share it on social media, did it even happen?  […]

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Brand building, Digital Trends in India, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Social Media, video production

Why Video marketing is in and how it drives maximum conversions

Trending Now: Video Marketing On LinkedIn Video Marketing, not the first time you are hearing this and believe you me you are going to be hearing and seeing this happen all around you, growing by the day. You might still be someone who hasn’t started yet and wondering does it really work? Are you the […]

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Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Mobile Internet Trends India 2013, Social Media, UGC, User Generated Content

10 times User-generated content hacked Instagram

User-generated content hacked Instagram

Out of ideas to post on Instagram for your business page? You are in luck because User-generated content has come to your rescue. User-generated content abbreviated as UGC stands for any content from hashtags, images, and blogs to audio and videos created by the customers. This content is publicly available to other consumers. Many times, […]

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