Category: Social Media

Digital Trends in India, Facebook, Future of Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Social Media, Twitter

Micro Targeting Using Paid and Owned Media

A much more specific form of market segmentation is possible today, as opposed to the generic profiling of consumers that erstwhile marketers used to conduct. This provides impetus to micro targeting- personalized marketing tactics relevant for a small, well-defined group, in contrast to large-scale campaigns for broad segments. The need for narrower segmenting, and coming […]

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Is Niche Social Networking the next big thing?

“What is the next big thing?” When it comes to social media, the frequency at which this question is being asked is astonishingly high. Attribute it to technology, which had made it possible to churn out new concepts as easily as they are debunked, or consumer trends, which are far more volatile than they have […]

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What Skills To Look Out For In Your Social Media Agency

Making the decision to hire an outside agency to work on building your brand on social media is an important move. Social media is such an important part of your brand that you would be doing yourself a disservice if you did not go the whole length to decide on your social media partner agency. […]

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