Category: Social Media

bcwebwise, Brand building, Consumer Experience, Customer Experience, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Social Media

How Facebook’s Close Friends Feature Can Affect Your Brand’s Wall Posts

  Have you stumbled across the Close Friends feature on Facebook? It appears as an alert as you log in to your Facebook profiles. A very welcome feature indeed considering large networks of friends one gathers over time. With friends of friends, work acquaintances, random people, far off relations, absolutely unknown people and all of […]

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bcwebwise, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Marketing & Communications, Online Advertising, Social Media

Facebook’s New ‘Promote Your Status Update’ Feature!

We read about it, but then today we stumbled on it on our brand page. The Facebook’s ‘Promote’ feature that has been introduced to your status updates. For as less as USD 5 you can have your status update reach out to as many as 2500 Facebook users! The feature is similar to Promote a […]

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bcwebwise, Consumer Experience, Customer Experience, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Google Search, Lead Generation, Online Advertising, Social Media, Website

Online Consumer Behaviour – Content Planning for Different Digital Touch Points

Planning content by clearly understand the visitor’s mindset at different digital touch points can help to establish a meaningful connect with them and fostering a long term relationship.

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