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Combining Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing: An Infographic

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important that you take advantage of a wide range of channels. This way, you ensure that you are reaching as large of an audience as possible.

That being said, focusing on channels such as email marketing and social media can do wonders for your brand.

Not convinced? Here are some statistics that might change your mind:

  • You get $44 in return for every dollar you spend, averaging out to an ROI of about 4,400%
  • Employees check their emails an average of 74 times each day
  • 73% of millennials prefer to connect with brands through email
  • 82% of brands use email marketing technology
  • 68% of adults use Facebook

By combining the strengths of both email marketing and social media, you can:

  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Drive engagement with your audience in an effort to build stronger relationships
  • Boost your ROI by strategically syncing your email marketing and social media marketing campaigns

Here are the most effective ways to combine email marketing and social media marketing:

  • Grow your list through your social media pages
  • Post links to your signup forms on social media
  • Use social media networks like Twitter and Facebook to gain permission from your new subscribers

How to Combine Email Marketing and Social Media - Infographic by Campaign Monitor

Source: How to Combine Email Marketing and Social Media by Campaign Monitor

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