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Internet and Mobile Statistics India 2011

Internet Penetration in India has crossed 10 per cent of the population in the country. Further, internet usage via mobile phones is rapidly on the rise and will soon overtake desktop usage. Mobile will drive Internet penetration in India.

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Facebook’s New ‘Promote Your Status Update’ Feature!

We read about it, but then today we stumbled on it on our brand page. The Facebook’s ‘Promote’ feature that has been introduced to your status updates. For as less as USD 5 you can have your status update reach out to as many as 2500 Facebook users! The feature is similar to Promote a […]

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bcwebwise, Brand building, Facebook, Facebook Fans, Facebook Likes, Google Search, Lead Generation, Measurement, Online Advertising, Return on Investment, ROI, Website

How to Measure ROI of Internet Marketing

How do you measure Return on Investment (ROI) of Internet Marketing? The web lends itself to be measured. After all every impression of a graphic being measurable, the path from which your visitor landed on your web page being traceable, the pages viewed, the likes and comments, the viral effect everything lending itself to being […]

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