bcwebwise, Future of Digital Marketing

The Mad Men of Generation Z

Anthony Padayachi, ace wordsmith and Associate Creative Director, BC Web Wise
Anthony Padayachi, digital maverick and Associate Creative Director, BC Web Wise

Potatoes. And a guest lecture in LR-63 at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai.

Having spent over a year with my favourite creative partner, who is a cusp between Millenials and Generation Z; I knew that I had to finish my 21-slide-ppt lecture with “Thank You” and an image of a sack of Potatoes next to it. A sack of potatoes because it was an SY-TY BMM (Bachelors of Mass Media) combined advertising class.

More the people, the more potatoes one needs to offer – that’s the rule.

Generation Z is different. Rather indifferent… to “gas”. So as an advertising professional, it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to sell that sub-12K smartphone, or a no-gas deodorant, you better tread lightly if you don’t know them well. Anyway, since this post is about the Mad Men of Generation Z; here’s a “Listicle” of 5 things about how they’re poised to change advertising.

5 ways how Generation Z will change advertising as we know it!

  1. The Mobile First Revolution

“I don’t watch TV, what are you guys doing to target people like me on mobile?” I hope my answer was convincing enough, but the point is that Generation Z is exposed to ads on mobile more than any other medium. Having spent so much time on their smartphones, they’re all set to revolutionize mobile advertising.

Yes, mobile advertising goes beyond creating a mobile-optimized campaign microsite or even location targeting.

  1. Masters of what Matters (Now)

FOLO (Fear Of Losing Out) may be one of the insights that millennial marketing is using to advertitize to Generation Z. But having gone through the FOLO feeling, Gen Z looks poised to master the use of topical and trending content in advertising.

  1. Adopting newborn technologies #LikeABoss

Still contemplating whether VR is a good investment? A Gen-Z Mad Man pitched a kickass VR idea to me right after the lecture, reinforcing my belief that they will be eager to adopt technologies that are fresh off the oven. Moreover, they’ve witnessed technological obsolescence in their growing years, creating the urge to do the new.

  1. Socially Suaver

According to a popular advertising portal, Generation Z consider their ‘virtual’ pals as important as the friends they meet in person. Most of them also believe that this is where their real social life takes place.

So as and when Gen-Z step into agencies or brand floors, it is very likely that they’ll focus on connecting with their TG on social as if they’re meeting each of them in person.

  1. Making Digital the new Mainline

Gone are the days when a BMM-Advertising student would dream about creating TVCs. Gen-Z wants to create the next cool thing on digital. Be it a cause related campaign site, a potentially-viral video, or a cool game app for the brand; they’re keen to be on the digital side of advertising, cuz that’s where they’re living the most awesome part of their lives.

Sorry for the long blog, here’s a potato for you! ;D

potatoP.S. – Big thanks to Perrie ma’am (Head of Department, BMM – St. Xavier’s College) who invited me for the guest lecture cum nostalgic trip; which turned out the be an insightful session with Gen Z – the Mad Men of tomorrow.

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