AMP - Accelerated Mobile Page Updates

AMP Pages will soon support Video Docking, Sticky Ads & more

AMP Pages will soon support Video Docking, Sticky Ads & more

The new Accelerated Mobile Page Google update enables site owners to create equivalent AMP pages that more closely resemble the original web page. Some of features - Video Docking that allows users to watch a video as they scroll, Infinite Scroll for page elements, Input Masking & Sticky Ads.


Input Masking will help users to fill forms efficiently by automatically adding formatting such as spaces and interstitial characters. AMP changes the way ads are executed to make it more interesting for users with the new sticky ads feature. AMP pages will soon have support for sticky ads in desktop when fixed position on the left or right rail of the page.

It is the age of AMP in digital marketing

It is the age of AMP in digital marketing

Speeding up web pages and reducing the load time in order to enhance the user experience is key to achieving higher mobile ranking. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is an open-source framework which enables developers to create faster mobile pages. AMP optimised pages lead to in 10% improvement in site discovery and traffic, 80% decrease in page load time, 20% increase in ad placement CTR, and users spend 2x time on AMP pages.



Theek Thaak: A home-grown social media app that’s making waves

Theek Thaak: A home-grown social media app that’s making waves

When the TikTok app was banned last year, Saina Sodhi (a 17-year old UK school student) was further inspired to produce a homegrown version that can take its place and provide Indian youth with the kind of quality content they were missing. Accordingly, she founded her company, Saina Corporation, which launched its first product , the Theek Thaak app recently. Theek Thaak aims to be a destination for short form mobile videos. It wants to promote Indian regional artists, to allow them a chance to showcase their creative expression  ..The main features of the app include video editing and uploading tools, live streaming, reactions, social sharing, sounds, geo- location, Theek code scanner, etc, to be accessible to people across the country and overseas. Theek Thaak is available on every phone type, and it can be found on Apple and Android play stores.In addition to that, Theek Thaak comes in multiple languages. The application is currently available for use in eight different dialects, but Sodhi wants to further expand its reach, and intends to introduce 12 more regional languages with an app update that is now imminent. She believes that doing so will help her reach more of her target audience.



Apple to launch India webstore next week

Apple to launch India webstore next week

Apple Inc will roll out its own online shop in India, taking advantage of a 2019 legislation that significantly eased norms for single-brand retailers to sell directly to Indian consumers through physical and online channels.With this, the maker of iPhones and iPads will become the first foreign company to open its webstore in the country prior to rolling out any company-owned physical outlet, which was a precondition to sell online before the August 2019 relaxations of rules.India will be the 37th country where Apple will have its own ecommerce site.


Tinder rolls out video calling feature in India

Tinder rolls out video calling feature in India

The popular dating App has rolled out a new feature to its users in India that will enable them to video call, when both parties have ‘liked’ each other on the App. “Just like matching, we want to make sure you’re on the same page with video: so Face to Face is enabled on a match-by-match basis. Once the conversation is flowing and you’re ready to show you’re interested in a Face to Face, tap the video icon,” said the company in a press statement. The feature won’t be enabled until both parties have opted in, specified the company. Further, it doesn’t notify either party when it is toggled on. It is said to come with an easy toggle off button as well.



Brands will opt for content over style in 2021

Brands will opt for content over style in 2021

Talkwalker and HubSpot have jointly released a report titled ‘Social Media Trends 2021’. Stating how Covid-19 acted as a catalyst instead of an outcome, the report said that the mentions of the virus increased from nearly zero to around 1.2 billion in today’s time, which has in turn expedited issues, ideas and innovations for brands which may not have happened so soon had it not been for the crisis. Some of the trends are ‘brands will start to reposition themselves dramatically over the coming months, moving away from marketing methodologies, to more cause-driven messaging, The report said that 2021 is expected to be the year brands and social media channels focus on highlighting the truth, and silencing fake news. And empathy and advocacy will be elements that will be integrated within messages and purposes for creator campaigns.



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