Bots chat Updates

Bots chat with database can track emotions

Bots chat with database can track emotions

Chatbots have become a popular means of interacting with the clients. Powered by AI, these bots can breakdown the consumer sentiment by identifying the oft-used exclamations. They identify if a customer is pleased or angry. AI startups have also developed suites out of chat bot products, such as enterprise-grade conversational AI platforms sold to larger companies.



Chatbots, from virtual assistants to critical CRM

Chatbots, from virtual assistants to critical CRM

Once created to just cut down on live text or video chat, chatbots have been creating ripples in the digital space for marketers! Humanising the chatbots have helped build more customer loyalty and analysing profiles of users. Building brand value is a tedious job. However, if done right, chatbots are the instruments that can easily bridge the gap between consumers and brands.




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