25 / 03 / 2019

Instagram's new feature allows users to shop in-app

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Instagram's new feature allows users to shop in-app

Instagram ultimately aims at allowing shoppers to be able to checkout after they shop via any of the brand Instagram pages. The checkout is the next step in that evolution of Instagram's e-commerce ambitions, fulfilling the customer experiences from discovery to purchase.


The ability to facilitate transactions is an important element in the process to advance shopping. It would retain payment information and make follow-up purchases much easier, eliminating the most cumbersome step of entering credit card details.


With this new feature in its testing phase, shoppers won't need to visit the retailers' websites to complete a purchase. Instagram says the program is still in the testing phase and is only open to Nike, H&M, Revolve, Adidas, Kylie Cosmetics and Zara for now.




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