Camlin’s mechanical pencils have been designed keeping in mind the needs of today’s highly pressurized Indian student - ensuring break-free writing that enables them to write faster and perform better in school and especially in exams. The objective was to create engagement and buzz around Camlin’s recently launched mechanical pencils and highlight its superiority over other pencils.
Although Camlin is the market leader in the Mechanical Pencils category, the overall sale volumes when compared to regular, wooden pencils is quite low.
Pencil Race
The first-ever tweet-powered, real-time virtual Olympic race with Camlin’s Mechanical Pencils.
We identified the need for students being able to write faster – as a lot of students are often unable to keep up with classroom dictations or complete their exam on time. Today’s competitive ‘Tiger Moms’ want their kids to perform better, they leave no stone unturned to help them do so; thus,the need for faster writing pencils for students was further substantiated. Coincidentally, the 2016 Olympics were just around the corner, and there was a lot of hype around it. We saw an opportunity to leverage the popular sporting spectacle through an interactive, engaging digital activity inspired by the Olympics’ most popular track event -the 100m Sprint.
We created a microsite that highlighted the USP of Camlin’s fast-writing Mechanical Pencils through an Olympics-themed virtual experience - resembling an Olympics track; users got a chance to experience the speed of Camlin’ Mechanical Pencils in real-time.
Users had to tweet about what the Mechanical Pencils were faster than, get creative to gain as many retweets as possible and bring their team closer to victory. The more the tweets, the faster their Mechanical Pencil raced.
The day when #PencilRace trended - Generated an additional 1300 followers for the brand.